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Er svo að fara að fljúga til Svíþjóðar á heimsmeistaramót hestamanna. Marissa og Tinna fóru á mánudag og Sigga og Dóra á laugardaginn og við sjáumst fljótlega! Jííí =)
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Það versta við að fara frá Íslandi er að Matti verður eftir hér : (
Hugmyndin um að geyma hann í ferðatöskunni var víst ekki nógu góð =\ Þetta er nú ekkert svo rosalega langur tími en það er alveg fáránlegt hvað maður fær fráhvarfseinkenni fljótt! Maður er orðinn hálf háður þessum litla dreng. Ótrúlegt hvað þetta getur haft mikil áhrif á mann. Eenn.. svona er þetta.
Hlakka bara til að koma aftur og hitta litla snáðann ;)
En ég ætlaði bara að skella inn smá kveðju. Þarf að sofa eitthvað!
Brynkz :)
eg sakna bara einnar manneskju.;)
sorry dabba min. tin verdur kannski saknad i naestu ferd...^o)
eg sakna bara einnar manneskju.;)
sorry dabba min. tin verdur kannski saknad i naestu ferd...^o)
vííííí :D Im Lucky :Þ
hey kukur er brunn. Og matti lika tannig Matti er sannkalladur kukur!
Feit skyta...
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1. Stay away from all deep-fried nutrients for the week
2. Drink In an 8oz glass of grapefruit with breakfast every day. (this speeds up up your metabolism)
3. Take limited portions (stop taking when you are full)
4. Instead of consuming 3 huge a meals a day, eat 5-6 small meals to keep your metabolism up and keep your body burning fat.
5. Do not eat anything after 9pm. Calories do not burn, when you eat so late.
6. Take proper sleep every night. Not getting enough sleep has been verified to be a ranking element to the body storing excess fat.
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Simplest way to convert video to XboX360
Microsoft's Xbox 360 gaming console is one of the most popular ever. It's a great thing sitting around and playing games with friends and you can even play videos, DVDs and music CDs on the console.
I have a bunch of videos in .avi that are taking up too much space but currently I don't have the funds to buy an external and I would like to just put them on my XboX 360 Hard Drive which is pretty empty aside from some DVDs and a few game saves. I want them playable on my XboX 360, then when I get an external I will have one USB going to the 360 and one to my computer for backup and storage.
One day I saw an article talking about how to make movies and music videos playable on XboX 360 from various video formats and got some ideas. Here, I'd like to share my experience with you guys. I use the Xilisoft Video Converter. This software has optimized the output formats for many digital devices like PSP, PS3, but not for XboX, which disappoints the guys who own XboX 360 like me. From the official site of Xbox 360, we know that it supports some video formats like WMV, HD-WMV, H.264, and MPEG-4.
First, Download Xilisoft Video Converter from www.xilisoft.com and install it.
1. Add video file and choose WMV as the profile. We can see from the right panel that the video size and bit rate default to 320x240 and 1200 respectively, which are both adjustable.
2. Open the drop-down list of Video Size, the resolution of 640x480 is listed. 640x480 is suitable for XboX 360 but the video effect is not that great. A resolution of 1920x1080 is what I want.
3. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Xilisoft\Video Converter 3 (by default), locate the "profile" folder, and you will see a lot of files in .pf extension. Find the wmv.pf, and open it with Notepad or other text editor.
Browse to the following line:
s=0, "", "320x240", "320x240","640x480","720x576"
change it to s=0, "", "320x240", "320x240","640x480","720x576","1920x1080" , and save the wmv.pf.
4. Close the application, and reopen it. Now, 1920x1080 is added in the video size list for you to choose.
5. Choose video size of 1920x1080, bit rate of 2000, and keep other settings as default, then click "Save as" at the right of the profile list, name it XboX_1920 or any other name you like.
After that, you can freely convert your favorite videos to the XboX 360 supported video format and enjoy the wonderful visual feast on your TV using XboX 360.
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Both women and men can feel the demands of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in time, yet men's style often seems a lot less complicated. Of program, for both sexes, outfits and fashion options could be quite as delicate, and there are lots of'cool'items which can rapidly become fashion faux pas - who can say they frequently see people travelling in 70s flames? On the other side, men's fashion has a few staple items which will exist eternally - which man is likely to watch out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Choose classic pieces, colors and materials and you'll never look out-of-place.
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The traditional man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are many versions for different events, nevertheless they are all popular in their quest for a clever, sharp look for the wearer. The neat thing about common fashion for men is that it is simply stylish simply neat. A well-groomed gentleman will almost always appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this is a testament to the style of such clothing. A match will be utilized to work in many occupations because of the professional search it affords to the person, instilling a sense of respect and confidence. Equally a match will undoubtedly be utilized to several social events, like a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This incredible versatility that allows suits to be worn in virtually all events is what gives it its eternal side and a permanent invest men's fashion.
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In summary, although certain issues with common men's style can be cut back as new trends, the fundamental outfits which they are based on will never fall out of fashion.
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