"Þig hungrar í innilegt samband sem þú getur sökt þér í. Hinn rétti eða rétta er vafalaust á næsta leyti."
Ég veit ekki hversu satt þetta er...
What animal would best suit your personality?
You are the class clown. The happy, friendly member of your group of friends. You are very much a sociable person and enjoy spending time with both friends and family alike. You maintain a well balanced diet and maintain yourself regularly. People around you lighten up as soon as you walk into the room. You bring a warm glow with you that is hard to ignore. You are the Monkey!
You are the class clown. The happy, friendly member of your group of friends. You are very much a sociable person and enjoy spending time with both friends and family alike. You maintain a well balanced diet and maintain yourself regularly. People around you lighten up as soon as you walk into the room. You bring a warm glow with you that is hard to ignore. You are the Monkey!
4 ummæli:
hey, ég var líka ástardúfa :P
ég held að könnunin gefi það yfirleitt ef að maður sagðist ekki hræðast allt haha en jee.. líkur sækir líkan heim
Ég er víst hvorki ísjaki né eldfjall..
Gaman að því!
Hmm ég var líka ástardúfa. Mig hungrar samt ekkert neitt innilega í samband
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